Mega phone icon
Mega phone icon

mega phone icon mega phone icon

At one time I thought I saw one on the Status Bar that I don't see in the pages 15-17 chart. It would be a plus if the icons displayed on the main screen (what I called the outer screen) also had a chart like the one for the Status Bar. The chart for the Status Bar of Status Icons followed by Notification Icons on pages 15 to 17 of the User Guide that you point me to is a great help - thank you! What I called the Main Screen is apparently more properly called the Idle Screen. However, as best I can determine, I haven't locked anything on my phone. A specific icon I am seeing there that I do not understand appears on the bottom left and looks like a closed padlock which I would think means something is locked. I guess you refer to that as the main screen. Vzw_customer_support: By Outer Screen I mean the smaller screen that is visible when the phone is closed. Please let me know if my explanations were helpful! Are you able to take a picture of it? I only say it would be the Cloud since the Verizon Cloud is a feature you can access on that phone.įrom the Idle screen, please press the Center soft key > Media center > Cloud and let me know if you see that same/similar icon displayed there. I appreciate your feedback since we want all of our products to continue improving to make it as easy as possible to use! The Cloud icon with the white dot seems like the Verizon Cloud icon, but I am uncertain since I cannot see myself. Can you test that out for me and let me know if it only happens when your phone is closed? What happens if you try to alter the volume button in the same state? Does it prevent it from changing the volume? Do you only see that padlock icon when the phone is shut? Although I did not find a locked padlock icon in the user manual, generally speaking, most flip phones will do that to prevent any accidental pushing of the buttons while the phone is closed shut. You are talking about the little screen on the outer shell of the phone.

mega phone icon

DuraXVExtremeuser, Oh I see what you are saying.

Mega phone icon